Saturday, March 29, 2008


One thing I have noticed about being a mom is the tendency to mentally reduce everything to acronyms.  Stay-at-home mom becomes SAHM.  My website,, becomes HMNS.  My HooterHider is an HH.  Is this the influence of all the blogs I now read or because texting has become a primary form of communication(you can't talk on the phone with a screaming baby)?  Or is it just that acronyms give my poor, sleep-deprived brain more room to store information? Whatever the reason, my bb and SO and I are going on a walk.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


comes in many forms.  Not only does candy inspire me - it can look like anything and yet is edible - but it also enables me to make it through the day.  Words also inspire me.  Sometimes it is a round of Scrabble, sometimes a crossword puzzle and sometimes just the billboard announcing a new restaurant that makes me look at life in a new way.  What is it about the word "more" for example?  One word instantly conjures up hopes and dreams, disappointment, envy and avarice.  Words and candy are the big loves of my life, after my family.  I never really understood the word "family" until I became a mom.  Hence, lollimom.  A sweet treat for the end of a long day - which for us moms is every day.