Thursday, December 4, 2008


Starbucks has added adventure to my life.  
You would think as a pregnant mother of a 1 year old with her own business, I would have enough adventure, but for me, the unexpected tends not to be fun.

Starbucks is also a great place to stick to a routine.  No matter which one you go to, you can expect the same menu and you never have to try anything new.  I usually do vary my choices - pumpkin, gingersnap, peppermint, and vanilla are all vehicles for caffeine - and once in awhile I add whipped cream. 

However, the Starbucks baristas have decided that I need some excitement in my life.  The first two times, it was by adding whipped cream.  Never one to say no to whipped cream once it has been bestowed, I enjoyed every sip.  Last time, I ordered a gingersnap latte without whipped cream.  I received a pumpkin spice latte with whipped cream.  I knew it was mine because I brought my own mug.  The receipt said one thing, the note on the side of the cup said another.  I didn't notice it until I left and I do like pumpkin spice, so it wasn't a big deal.  In fact, since I didn't really care which way I got my caffeine, the surprise was kind of neat.  If this continues for sometime, I will enjoy it, but the day I get a green tea latte instead of a peppermint mocha they will be re-doing my drink.