Saturday, August 23, 2008


After a short vacation, I am back!  My vacation was both physical as well as mental.  I am now 11 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and the mental fog is beginning to clear.  Our family also took a trip to northern California.  It was fun, although baby #1 was teething the whole time.  

This post begs the question, what is vacation after kids?  In many ways, I think kids bring a healthier perspective to the word.  For my birthday, a friend gave me some fizzy bath tablets from Victoria's Secret.  Over the weekend, I plan to use them and enjoy the smell of Midnight Mimosa.  My husband will watch the baby and I will use the shower for longer than 5 minutes. That is a vacation to me.  

I have always loved traveling.  I have always loved being busy.   My greatest challenge in life has always been to enjoy the moment and where I am at.  With kids, I am forced to appreciate the road trip to northern California and my 30 minute bath in ways I never would have before.  We are trying to decide whether or not to go to London in December and while I do think it would be fantastic, I must admit I am almost excited about planning a whole day at the beach with my husband and baby.  For me, vacation has become more about the experience than the destination, which I think is significant.  I always envisioned that my life would be filled with world travel and yet, I was always grouchy due to time change, dehydration, you name it on the first two days of any international trip.  Now that our mobility is limited somewhat, I am able to enjoy trips both closer to home and far away from the very first day.  I also now think that the ultimate in luxury is getting to shave my legs.  It's the simple things.

Check out a photo from our trip.  How many sea lions do you see?