Maybe it's because it's spring, but lately I have been tremendously creative. Tremendously, fantastically, overwhelmingly creative. From baby food to gardening to triple decker fondant covered cakes, I apparently cannot be stopped from attempting to outdo myself at every turn.
The spinach was the first clue. Last month, my daughter started solid food. Yes, I began with rice cereal, then moved on to vegetables. So how did I prepare this spinach? I started by planning a week ahead; ordering an organic farm basket to be picked up at a local farmers' market. When I received said spinach, I then proceed to wilt the spinach in a saucepan. As if homemade organic baby food weren't enough, I went for the gourmet preparation. A cuisinart and a saute pan later, I had three days worth of organic pureed spinach.
The next week I gardened. Furiously, I tore up four trash bags full of weeds at our new house, rolled the ancient ivy that lined our walls like so many fishing nets, and finally, took a trip to the nursery. I bought lettuce and peppers, tomatoes and eggplant, melon and strawberries and I don't even know how many different types of herbs. In the next few days, I not only planted a kitchen herb and vegetable garden, but I arranged it by the color of the foliage and the texture.
The next week I had the flu. A horrible, hacking cough, can't breathe kind of flu. So what you ask did I do? Take a nap? No, I made a triple-decker carrot cake from scratch, covered it in fondant and fashioned it into the shape of a wine bottle in a crate. Yes, even I think that I am certifiably nuts. I have included a picture, just so you will know how crazy I am.
I think I have done all this to avoid what I really need to do, which is work on my website and clean the house. Never mind that with the energy it takes to do the above and oh yeah, host a baby shower and make a cake in the shape of a ninja octopus, I could have Martha Stewart's house and have founded
So, dear readers, if any of you are still with me, I ask for a word of encouragement or even a kick in the pants to get back to what I really need to do. It did make for an exciting few weeks, but as I am now a week behind in the launch of my business, I feel that this beautiful swan song of procrastination should come to an end.
Unless, it is your birthday and you feel like a handbag-shaped cake.